Monday, September 14, 2015

ISIS hackers violated top secret British Government emails

According to an investigation by the GCHQ intelligence agency ISIS hackers targeted information held by some of David Cameron’s most senior ministers.

According the experts at the British Intelligence GCHQ, ISIS hackers intercept top secret British Government emails.

The investigation conducted by the GCHQ allowed the British intelligence to uncover a serious breach, terrorists linked to the ISIS have been targeting email accounts held by some of David Cameron’s most senior ministers, including the Home Secretary Theresa May.

The hack could have exposed confidential information related to the British Government and members of the Royal family, at the Time I’m writing there aren’s information related to the data accessed by the ISIS hackers.

“It is understood that at least one of the plot’s ringleaders was killed by a drone strike in an operation disclosed by the Prime Minister this week.” reported the Mirror.

The news doesn’t surprise media, Government entities, politicians and military organizations are privileged targets for the ISIS sympathizers that use the web for intelligence gathering on potential targets. In May Pro-Isis Hackers belonging to Cyber Caliphate hacking team threaten ‘Electronic War’ on US and Europe.

GCHQ against pedophilies
In May, GCHQ warned Whitehall security officials about ISIS plans to attack British targets.

Although no security breach occurred to the Government email systems, officials were told to tighten security procedures.

The Mirror makes explicit reference to the “changing passwords,” not referring the adoption of further defense mechanisms to protect the email accounts, such as two-factor authentication.

Unfortunately, the ISIS is continuing ti develop its cyber capabilities, in the past they demonstrated a mastery of technology for both propaganda and hacking purposes. In June, ISIS supporters were spreading online a collection of tutorial titled the Book of Terror to teach how Hack a Wi-FI network and which are main spying tools.

Among the group of hackers that claim to be affiliated with the ISIS there is a collective of hackers calling themselves the “Islamic State’s Defenders in the Internet,” also known as Cyber Caliphate. The group, which was involved in the hijacking of social media accounts belonging to the US CENTCOM, released a propaganda video threatening cyber attacks anticipating the operation of the terrorists in the Internet.

At the end of August, one of the most popular ISIS hackers, Junaid Hussain, was killed in a US targeted air strike in Syria. The hacker was actively recruiting ISIS sympathizers and according to the British intelligence he directed a plot to kill the Queen.

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