The founder of the newspaper "Kommersant" publishing house of the same name, and Vladimir Yakovlev called on Russian citizens to leave the country, and especially "to take away the children." This is living in Israel media mogul wrote on his page on Facebook.
"I am confident that Russia soon - weeks, months - to be one of two scenarios. Either - change of power with a completely unpredictable and dangerous consequences. Or - a severe social crisis with street crime, lack of basic necessities and the real danger to the life and the health of citizens, "- shared his misgivings Yakovlev.
"The intuition of me like never before let down," - he said in the same post, media mogul. Therefore, he says: "If you can, leave, and most importantly - abduction of children. Ok, not forever - for two to three months (it is possible without a visa), for six months. But - go away. If during this time did not happen, and the situation get better, I'll be very glad to be wrong. "
Yakovlev recalls morning August 18, 1991, "morning putsch" when "three nights in a row the city in awe listening to the gunfire outside the window. Then all of a miracle is not over murdering."
"I understand that those who are now 25-30, does not feel the reality of such scenarios. I, too, at this age they do not feel it. So far no one has returned from vacation or work out in the morning for sports at the" Dinamo ", or came out of the gym, nor I sat in the car and found that along with me on a red traffic light at the stand of the Belarusian tanks and other military equipment fragmented, "- he Pischel.
"Revolutions always happen unexpectedly," - emphasizes Yakovlev. - "Can not be considered foreign government confidence in itself a sign of stability. Suschestvet two classic sign similar social upheavals: 1. Overall, the strong discontent of the population than is absolutely unimportant. 2. The division of society into a healthy option represents a huge palette of diverse political views, two opposing camps holding directly opposite, devoid of any kind was the position of shades, it is equally carrying a high charge rereadings from an emotions towards each other. "
"Both of these signs are present in Russia today. In my feeling, the coming catastrophe avoided anymore. It can only be experienced," - says Yakovlev pessimistic.
Recall that for fresh (July 2015) According to VTsIOM, respondents are increasingly talking about the fact that Russian citizens who have emigrated from the country for the last year has increased. So, if in 2014 talked about this 18%, then this year - 24%. FMS does not believe in a "brain drain" from Russia in the past year in Europe has left only 19 thousand Russians. These feelings are confirmed by statistics agency Bloomberg, according to which in the first eight months of 2014 had emigrated from Russia 203,659 people - more than in any year of the reign of Vladimir Putin. At the same time, according to the Federal Migration Service, the last year in Europe has left only 18.6 thousand people. "As such, the problem of the brain drain from Russia, I do not see" - said the head of the agency in July, Konstantin Romodanovsky.
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